فارسی عربي

IRIB works hailed at ABU News Festival 2020

Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) News Festival in Malaysia awards the news submitted by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB).

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) News Festival in Malaysia has bestowed the top prize of the event to the news submitted by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB).

The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) was selected for the "Best Breaking News Coverage" award. It was also nominated for the award in the two categories of "Best News Report" and "Best News Filming."

According to the organizers of the festival, nearly one thousand news reports were sent to the news section of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) called Asia Vision.

The judges selected the top 100 works and awarded prizes to the winners in seven main categories.

Launch in 1984, the Asia Vision news exchange platform is an important link for many radio and television stations in Asia-Pacific. It has provided daily news coverage of major day-to-day events and a major news source for its members.

The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) News Festival Ceremony was held online on Wednesday, January 27th.

